Christian Church | About - Pasadena, CA
Lincoln Avenue Christian Church, Logo
(626) 798-9163

About Lincoln Avenue Christian Church

Lincoln Avenue Christian Church was established in the city of Pasadena, California, in 1929. Since then, our church has built a solid reputation for reaching the surrounding communities and making an impact in the lives of many.

A Loving Congregation

Our church's congregation consists of a very devoted, warm, and accepting group of believers. Every person believes that all men should hear God's Word and thus, loves to welcome the guests who make their way to our doors. Headed by our pastor, we continue to follow the Great Commission of spreading the gospel to every man and woman we meet.

Learn about Lincoln Avenue Christian Church

Lincoln Avenue Christian Church in Pasadena, California, offers spiritual guidance to our fellow brothers and sisters in the faith. We glorify God by inviting others to become disciples who love Him and His people unconditionally. Our Church is committed to helping people understand the teachings from the Holy Scriptures, so all of us can become closer to the Lord.

With all the chaos and sorrows that surround the world, it is important to have a steadfast spiritual life. We need to fill our heart, mind, and soul with the teachings of Christ in order for us to achieve true happiness in our lives. Trust the biblical teachings to lift up your spirits and guide you through life.

No matter what you're going through, we're here to help. We'll do everything in our power to let you feel God's unwavering love. Come visit our church to attend our worship services and learn more about our godly ministries.